Intuitive Eating & Body Kindness
5 Days of Inspiration + Action to Kickstart (or Turbocharge) Your Intuitive Eating & Body Kindness Journey
How many times have you joined challenges and diet programs that don't deliver on their promises?
Diet culture is full of gimmicky challenges like "cut out sugar for 30 days" and "blast belly fat with this 21-day ab workout plan" - but we both know that those don't work (and often make you feel like a failure).
As a clap-back at diet culture, I've designed this budget-friendly UNchallenge to give you the tools, guidance and simple action steps to generate serious momentum on your journey to freedom with food.
We're not going to be cutting your favorite pasta dishes out, or getting up at 5am for torturous workouts. NOPE.
Instead, we are going to practice the skills and mindset shifts that will give you PEACE and FREEDOM with food and your body.
No more fumbling through with intuitive eating and hoping you're doing it right. I'll show you the key steps to take right away to confidently eat and to start *actually* TRUSTING your body again.

Hi, I'm Katy
When I first started my own intuitive eating journey, I had zero support and was totally winging it. Sure, I had read the book, but other than that I learned and implemented by trial and error (a whole lotta error if I'm being honest).
Looking back, I wish someone had taken my hand and showed me HOW to not only implement the skills of intuitive eating, but also how to change my mindset about key things like body image and body kindness along the way.
Now, as a non-diet dietitian and intuitive eating coach, I have helped literally hundreds of women learn how to eat pizza without dabbing the oil off the top, enjoy salads with (gasp!) full-fat dressing AND croutons, and stop chasing the number on the scale.
Inside this UnChallenge I'm going to be showing you some of the ESSENTIAL strategies that it takes to become an intuitive eater, and to leave dieting behind for good.
Here's How It Works:
When You Sign Up For the Intuitive Eating & Body Kindness 5 Day UnChallenge, You'll Get:
($197 Value)
5 Days of Short Actionable Video Lessons
Starting right away when you sign up, each day for 5 days you'll get a short (approximately 5 minute) video from me with your bite-sized action steps for that day. (And don't worry, it's not going to be time-consuming or overwhelming. I'm all about easy peasy action taking!) -
The Intuitive Eating Starter Kit
All the tools and resources that you need to master the skills of intuitive eating. Includes a hunger and fullness scale, cheat sheet for stocking your kitchen, body image affirmations, and more! -
A Custom Workbook
All you have to do is fill out the worksheets and follow along - BOOM!
Here's what my previous clients have said about the UnChallenge:

Enroll in the Intuitive Eating & Body Kindness UnChallenge
($197 value)
It's ALL Yours for Only $47
ENROLL NOWThis UnChallenge isn't like those diet culture challenges you see everywhere...
In fact, we are going to do quite the opposite and work on un-learning what diet culture has taught us.
Let me break down the 5 days for you 👇

What’s Inside the Intuitive Eating & Body Kindness 5 Day UnChallenge
Day 1
Let's Break Some Food Rules!
We'll get started with ACTION right away on day 1 with breaking some of your food rules so that you can immediately start experiencing more freedom with food. We'll challenge your inner food police and practice un-learning the food rules that diet culture has taught us.
Day 2
What Exactly Are We "UnChallenging?"
If you don't change your thoughts, you won't be able to permanently change your behaviors with food. Here we will practice some powerful mindset work around the diet mentality and what it takes to truly change your relationship with food and your body.
Day 3
Reconnecting With Your Hunger & Rebuilding Trust With Your Body
On day 3 I'll give you my best strategies for recognizing the different types of hunger, and I'll show you how to prove to yourself that you can indeed trust your body with food. No more rigid dieting rules to try and "control" yourself around food. You'll be listening to what your BODY is telling you, without fear, as you rebuild trust with your body (and with your authentic self).
Day 4
Weight & Self-Esteem
We can't talk about changing our relationship with food without looking at body image. You've spent enough of your life hating your body, and it's time to make peace with yourself. I'm going to help you tackle your biggest fears around weight gain and intuitive eating, so that you can feel comfortable in your own skin.
Day 5
Body Kindness
What the heck does that even mean? (Hint: a lot, and it's a total game changer.) Body kindness will completely change the way you think about your health and wellness. It will help you nurture and respect your body with compassion - which is totally different than what diet culture tells us to do. I'll lay it alllll out for you in this lesson which will set you up for massive momentum moving forward!
What Past UnChallengers Are Saying...

This UnChallenge is for you if…
You're sick of diet culture
You've tried so many diets and "detoxes", and you're tired of living by the ridiculous rules and unrealistic expectations of diet culture, and you want to make peace with food. -
You want to kickstart your process
You're ready to dive in and take intentional action with intuitive eating and body kindness (instead of fumbling through and spinning your wheels). -
You're new to intuitive eating
Perhaps you're a little nervous or overwhelmed and aren't quite sure where to start, and. you want some support and clarity around how to implement it in your life. -
You've been doing intuitive eating for a while
And you want to recharge your energy and enthusiasm for the journey, with an added dose of body kindness so that you can wake up every day knowing you are doing what's right for YOU and your body.
Join the Intuitive Eating & Body Kindness UnChallenge Today
($197 value)
LET'S DO THIS - SIGN ME UP!"I am looking at dieting in a different more for this lady. I am going to accept myself the way I am and be thankful I am a healthy woman. I thank you so much for giving me the courage to accept myself the way I am."
-Susie, UnChallenge Participant
Frequently Asked Questions
What day does the UnChallenge start?
What is the refund policy?
I've already taken your course Non-Diet Academy. How is this un-challenge different?
How do I access the materials and the content?
How long will I have access?
Still thinking about it?
The Intuitive Eating & Body Kindness 5 Day Un-Challenge is PERFECT for you if…
- You're just getting started with intuitive eating and want to kickstart your journey with proven tools and strategies. (Heck yes!)
- You've been doing intuitive eating for a while, and could use a turbo charge to accelerate your progress and get you excited again (zoom!)
- You want to be able to push your cart through the bakery section at the grocery store and grab your favorite dessert, without worrying you'll inhale it the moment you get home. (yummm)
- You yearn to be able to put on your swimsuit and get in the pool this summer without your inner critic telling you to stay covered up on the pool chairs. (Oh yeah!)
- You have been trying to figure out intuitive eating on your own, using podcasts, social media, and YouTube videos, and you're feeling stuck and uncertain about whether you're even doing it correctly. (That's me...)

I can’t wait for you to join the Intuitive Eating & Body Kindness 5 Day Un-Challenge
Intuitive eating and body kindness has changed my life and the lives of hundreds of my clients. It's SO freeing when you realize that you can trust your body to tell you when you're hungry and satisfied.
When you're not constantly stressing about food and your weight, you'll find that you have so much more time and energy for the other things that matter to you in life...
...Whether it be playing with your kids, going on that vacation you've been putting off, wearing shorts in public for the first time in 5 years, or feeling confident that you are eating in a way that's right for YOUR body.
If you want to make peace with food, this is the perfect place for you.
I want to personally invite you to join me for this amazing experience. Let's do this together!
Don't miss out!
Join the Intuitive Eating & Body Kindness UnChallenge Today
You deserve to have freedom with food and to feel comfortable in your own skin.