Break Out of the Binge Cycle With Food
Uncover the reasons why you’re binge eating (and how to heal)
Feeling out of control with food sucks, and trying to be more in control with food tends to backfire. So what’s the alternative? To discover your triggers, understand where they come from, and to heal your relationship with food. That might sound like a lot, but don’t worry - I can help!
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Ready to say no more to binge eating?
This worksheet is for you, if you...

Want to be able to eat your favorite foods without feeling out of control or overeating.

Have tried to control your eating through dieting or avoiding your trigger foods, and you still find yourself binging at times.

Are worried that you are going to damage your body or your health by binge eating, and you want to learn how to care for your body in ways that work.

Want food to “just be food,” without it having power over you and without constantly obsessing about what you can and can’t eat.

Hi, I’m Katy Harvey
As a non-diet dietitian, I have seen the shame and frustration that comes with binge eating. Feeling like you’re out of control with food is so painful, and you desperately want to just be “normal” and healthy with food. Society tells us that we need to simply have more willpower or follow the right diet and it will “fix” our eating issues (but it doesn’t work like that, does it?). We need to go deeper.
The way that you break out of the binge cycle for good is to explore the underlying (and often subconscious) reasons that you are binging in the first place. In this guide I’m walking you through a powerful exercise that will help you uncover the reasons you turn to food, the past experiences in your life that have contributed to this, and the mindset shifts that will help you foster a more peaceful relationship with food.
If this sounds good to you, or if you’re even just curious, go ahead and grab a copy of the guide and give it a try. I’m here to support you!
With love,
Get your guide today:
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