The Daily 3 Body Kindness Journal
You Deserve to Feel Better About Your Body
This is a normal desire to want to feel better about your body - and let me tell you a little secret: It isn’t about following a certain diet or losing weight. It’s about changing the way you think, feel and treat your body.
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Ready to feel better about your body NOW (without dieting)?
This daily journal exercise is for you, if you…

Are done with dieting, and you want to take care of your body and live life more fully.

Want to take simple, meaningful action steps each day to be kind towards your body (without “letting yourself go”).

Want to have more energy, self-acceptance and feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Hi, I’m Katy Harvey
I know what it’s like to hate your body and to believe that you have to lose weight in order to accept yourself. I also know that stressing and obsessing about weight isn’t helpful - in fact, it will make you miserable.
It was the process of learning to tolerate my body without actively trying to lose weight that allowed me to *actually* start treating my body with kindness and compassion, which has led to body acceptance.
If you are tired of being on the rollercoaster of dieting, healthy eating, exercise routines, and other things that only work temporarily, then this is the perfect journaling process for you. It will literally take you about 5 minutes each morning to change your day, and to ultimately change how you feel about your body for the rest of your life.
Are you ready?
Get your guide today:
By opting in you’ll be added to my email list where I share weekly tips on body image, intuitive eating and ditching diet culture – you're free to unsubscribe any time!’